DevOps Handbook Notes

Agile, Continuous Delivery, and the Three Ways

The first phase of the work is highly uncertain. Coming up with designs, etc. Expect high variability of process times. The second phase in contrast is an exact science, predictable and mechanical, with the goal of achieving work outputs with minimum variability.

Lean Community: How it Measures Performance?

Lead Time

Lead time clock starts when the request is made and ends when it's fulfilled.

Process Time

Clock starts when we begin the work. Omits the time when the work is in queue.

Lead time is what the customer gets affected by, so we mostly focus there instead of process times.

Ratio of process time to lead time is an important measure of efficiency. Achieving fast flow and short lead times requires minimizing the time when the work is in queue.

How to Have Lead Time of Minutes?

To Do:

Written on: September 1, 2024

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